My Certificate

On-line AQSCERT Register

On-line AQSCERT Register
The search consists of verifying the validity of each certificate.
Dear Customer, we inform you that due to the intervention of our informaticians on the web, delays may occur during the search for the certificate or the information requested about your certificate not to appear. For this reason you are asked to contact aqscert technical office at [email protected] email.
Thank you for your understanding.
Customer Search Mode:
The subject search has two mandatory elements for filling in; Name of the subject and no.
Enter the correct name of the subject in the blank frame (name), then enter the correct number of the certificate in the blank frame
(AQS/x/xxxxxxx)and press “Search”.
If your search does not provide the expected result, the certification office is at your disposal to immediately verify the validity status on each certificate.”
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