Our Focus

  • Environment, environmental studies and environmental measurements

    Environmental impacts, public opinion and monitoring bodies, along with the perception of good or bad environmental management by large construction industries or companies, are key issues today.

    It is therefore considered important for all companies and entities that have health, safety and environmental related services to identify, by process, all possible chemical or physical emissions of their plants, permanent or temporary, in the implementation of environmental protection policies.

    Identifying emissions, measuring their level and keeping them under constant control is the big challenge today for both companies and the monitoising authorities and laboratories that carry out the measurements.

    AQSCERT shpk, through its structures, its Technical staff and laboratories of the implementation of measurement and environmental analysis, offers the service of:

    • Carrying out environmental monitoring to assess the potential impacts on all components
      of the environment and population caused by the construction of large projects, in accordance with the requirements deriving from environmental permits for industrial plants;
    • Conducting analysis and measures to control the risk of exposure to physical, chemical and biological agents in the workplace;
    • Characterization of potentially contaminated sites through analysis and investigation in land, river and marine environments;
    • Conducting analysis and emissions of gases in the atmosphere of industrial plants that include:
      • Carrying out periodic checks to verify compliance with emissions limits;
      • verification of continuous monitoring systems of gas emissions into the atmosphere;

      • Technical services and training
        in the field of industrial hygiene
    • Conducting initial environmental analysis.

    At the client’s request, AQSCERTshpk is available to provide information on how to store samples taken from the customer.

    Aqscert shpk laboratories have a long experience and are accredited for the implementation of environmental analysis both in the laboratory environments and in the client company’s environments.

Carbon Footprint: Priorities for Companies

Increasing global awareness of core issues such as sustainable development and, more specifically, carbon neutrality, has undoubtedly consolidated, in companies, the need to address specific issues like that of the carbon footprint of products or services.

Carbon footprint: what is it about?

By carbon footprint, or “carbon footprint,” we mean that parameter by which greenhouse gas emissions produced during the life cycle of a service, product, event, company or individual are determined, in order to calculate the impact of these activities on climate change and global warming.

In this sense, as we shall see, the calculation of the carbon footprint is expressed in tonnes of CO2 equivalent to the total greenhouse gas emissions associated, directly or indirectly, with the activities in the analysis.

What is the carbon footprint?

The goal of the carbon footprint is to encourage the environmental sustainability of human activities as a safeguard against the consequences of global warming, providing a very useful tool for quantitatively determining the greenhouse gas emissions that play an active role in any production process and monitoring the environmental efficiency of activities and facilities. Since carbon footprints are estimated to represent 50% of the entire ecological footprint, its calculation is one of the essential parameters for identifying particularly harmful activities and reducing environmental damages stemming from human activities.

How is the carbon footprint calculated?

In calculating the carbon footprint, not just CO2 emissions are accounted for, but all those gases that are included in the definition of greenhouse gases and indicated by the Kyoto protocol, d.m.th. International Environmental Treaty on Global Warming:

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • methane (CH4),
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O),
  • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC),
  • perfluorocarbons (PFC)
  • sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)

All of these emissions in turn are converted into CO2 equivalents based on parameters set out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body that operates under United Nations directives. The calculation of the carbon footprint of a commodity or service should take into account all phases of the supply chain ranging from extraction of raw materials, to the disposal of waste generated by the system itself according to the LCA approach, d.m.th. Evaluation (or life cycle analysis). To assess the carbon footprint of a product or service, a technical standard has been developed: UNI EN ISO/TS 14067 “Greenhouse gases – carbon footprint of products (product carbon footprint) – Requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication”.

ISO 14067 Standard

ISO 14067 is an international standard that came into force on August 20, 2018 as a substitute for similar earlier standards. In European countries, it constitutes a reference standard that provides companies with principles, requirements and guidelines for calculating the carbon footprint of products (goods or services), i.e. the greenhouse gas emissions associated with their entire life cycle: from the extraction phase of raw materials to the transformation phase; from manufacture, packaging and transport, to the stages of use and final disposal. It is therefore an essential tool for companies, which provides the opportunity to better understand how to improve the environmental impact of a product.

What are the benefits for companies?

Using tools such as carbon footprint and carbon management systems for greenhouse gas emissions means first and foremost having the opportunity to monitor and improve their environmental performance in terms of CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases.

Sticking to this virtuous path also means active participation in the ecological transition goals, choosing to distinguish from competitors and gain significant advantages:

  • Greater awareness of the opportunities for action for environmental sustainability.
  • Economic savings resulting from improving energy efficiency and resources in the company.
  • Enhance the company’s green reputation to potential partners, suppliers and new professional collaborations.
  • Increasing interest in their business on the part of consumers who increasingly demand environmental attention in the company as a quality and sustainability index.
  • Access to tax breaks both nationally and internationally.

AQSCERT shpk, through its experiences and competence, can provide you with the service of calculations and measurements of “carbon footprint” and assist you in the preparation and implementation of ISO 14067 standard.

  • Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Audit.
    What do you mean by energy analysis?
    Who can write it and what it serves. Energy analysis, or energy audit, is a report, generally created by sector professionals and commercial technicians, which helps the client understand how energy consumption is distributed over the day, months and year and what those technical interventions are. It can be done to save money and improve someone’s situation. This analysis is required and carried out by anyone who wants it: from large companies to small neighborhood stores and plays a crucial role in forging a trust relationship between the customer and the company that provides the audit.

    Who can design an energy audit and how to know if it’s done best?
    Very often, in the context of energy consumption analysis, confusing and contradictory information is given that keeps the user from making a decision. That’s because anyone who deals with this important document has a kind of “pre-compiled” that isn’t really personalized. This is how cold, incompetent, and overly generic analyses are born. AQSCERT knows this very well and, in fact, has decided to equip i myself with a team of professionals dedicated solely to designing and implementing energy analysis: free, precise, clear, detailed and obviously customized. The client will speak to a single interlocutor, a dedicated technician and will never receive a generic brochure, but an audit born from a detailed analysis of the client’s professional reality with dedicated advice and suggestions. The solution that is proposed to the client is really specific to his reality. Therefore, a cooperation that guarantees trust between the two interlocutors and above all support at every stage, even after the installation of new systems, for example. And only with a dedicated and ad hoc prospect for the client can we say that we have the best energy analysis in our hands.

    What is studied in an energy analysis of buildings and what characteristics make it up?
    The classical procedure for conducting a self-respected analysis of energy consumption, exactly like those performed by the AQSCERT team, is divided into three steps:
    1. Contacting dedicated AQSCERT staff and client. Here we try to understand the overall picture and producing characteristics of the reality that analysis requires.
    2. The consultant requires that bills be sent, preferably for an entire calendar year, so that it is able to analyze the consumption and look at any seasonal peak of energy.
    3. We proceed with a meeting in the company with the customer to evaluate the structural characteristics.
    4. The customer is submitted to the free energy audit and the proposed new plan, which will contain financial analysis, business plan, information regarding the complete management of bureaucratic and administrative practices by the work team, suggestions of installation solutions and support.
    What are the basic elements of an energy analysis?
    Now that we know how it works, what it serves, the most important characteristics and who can do an energy analysis, it’s time to look at it in detail. So let’s go and find out all the fundamental elements you’ll find in your professional AQSCERT energy analysis.
    Analysis of current consumption: find out how much the company consumes daily, seasonally and annually.
    • Analysis of the company’s production system: it is important to understand how the company works. In fact, there may be some negativities associated with the production system in use, such as outdated systems, which can nevertheless be easily resolved with the proposal of new solutions.
    • Analysis of the structural characteristics of the building: by carefully studying the parts of the company, from the roof to the spaces, possible adjustments for energy efficiency can be proposed.
    • Information on any future consumer implementations: speaking to the customer, if the company already knows it is planning to install new machinery in the short or medium term, it is clear that consumption will increase. So you should consider this for an accurate energy analysis, it is always wrong to look only here and now.
    • Peak consumption analysis: through bills can be understood when the company consumes more and if there is a drip. Only in this way will it be possible to find the optimal solution for the client.
    • Possible opportunities for improvement through other interventions: AQSCERT energy analysis does not only look at installations or major modifications. To improve a company’s energy efficiency, it is often also important to take care of the details. From recharging (improving lighting systems) to controlling machines to controlling the power class.
    General technical-installer indications: a very important element in energy analysis is that of understanding and imagining the client what will need to change and where it will need to be intervened in order for the situation to be specifically prefigured.
    • Money-saving solutions: AQSCERT, through accurate deprecation plans, suggests financing or operating lease solutions to clients. the system is amortized in the shortest possible time.
    Additional benefits: in energy analysis it is important for the consumer to understand all those additional benefits that will come if you decide to accept the proposal of the new action plan such as improving the energy and convenience class. These implications give a new aspect to the company which, even at the communicative level, becomes more attractive, being green and sustainable.
    Programmatic process: the last crucial step to find in your energy analysis, in case of acceptance, is to explain the program process that will follow, the time and all the necessary documentation.
    This information is essential and relying on the AQSCERT team, made up of people like you, willing to explain and speak clearly and honestly to your customers, is the best solution you can make to get an energy analysis truly capable of changing your life.
    Why AQSCERT shpk?
    AQSCERT SHPK, is a conformity assessment organization accredited for the certification of iso 50001 and ISO 14001 management systems and has a long experience in this field within and outside the territory of our country. The technical staff of AQSCERT is equipped with the licenses and has the technical competence in the realization of energy audits as well as in calculations of energy efficiency of facilities.
  • Security and Coordination Plan:

    The KPS Safety and Coordination Plan is a basic document for ensuring the protection of health and safety of workers working in the shipyards. The reason why there is an obligation to design the safety and coordination plan of the KPS lies in the fact that many hazards can be encountered on the construction site and often accidents occur at work.

    These places, in fact, due to the nature of the activities that are carried out within them, are the most dangerous in the world of work.

    The document is required by law and is used to reduce or completely eliminate risks associated with tasks performed on the ground by workers. In this article we want to gather 9 things to know about security and coordination. Follow current regulations carefully and make your company safer and more productive.

    What is the security and coordination plan?

    The plan consists of a technical report and descriptions relating to the complexity of the work to be carried out and each critical phase of the construction process, aimed at preventing or reducing hazards to the safety and health of workers, including particular hazards with reference to the risks arising from the possible discovery of unexploded combat tools at construction sites affected by excavation activities, as well as the cost assessment.

    Therefore, the security and coordination plan is a fundamental document that is part of the procurement contract and has the main objective of reducing the risks present at the construction sites.

    Within it cannot be missed the phases of work carried out on a construction site, the risks associated with processes, preventive and protective measures that must be taken to protect workers.

    Is the security and coordination plan always mandatory?

    Another question employers often ask themselves is whether the safety and coordination plan is also mandatory for their company. Let’s start by saying the answer is no: security and coordination plan isn’t always required.

    There are cases when it is mandatory (indicated in Title IV of Legislative Decree 81/2008), as p.sh. when several companies operate on the site, regardless of the type of shipyard, duration and interventions required.

    However, it is not mandatory if only one company operates on site and when emergency interventions are carried out, like those intended to prevent imminent dangerous events.

    When is a PSC drawn up?

    The drafting of the PSC must be done in the preliminary phase, at the opening of the shipyard. Therefore, risk analysis procedures are carried out before work activities begin on a construction site.

    Differences between the OPERATIONAL SECURITY PLAN and THE COORDINATION OF THE POS and the KPS Security Plan

    Although they look similar in name, the POS Security Operational Plan and the Security and Coordination Plan are not the same. Both, however, contain a construction site’s risk assessment.

    The POS security operational plan is the plan for the management of construction sites and is the responsibility of the owner of the company responsible for carrying out the work. The safety and coordination plan is instead the responsibility of the safety coordinator in the design phase of the CSP and outlines the operational stages that workers must face, while also identifying the risk situations to which they are exposed and the preventive and protective measures that must be adopted to improve. them.

    POS is always mandatory while PSC is only mandatory in the cases highlighted in the previous paragraph. The KPS safety plan also identifies external risks and not just those associated with the work carried out at the site in question.

    Who cares about the PSC design?

    As also underlying the work safety legislation, among the obligations of the coordinator for planning of the CSP, is also that of the drafting of psc. During the design of the work and in any case before the request for submission of bids, the project coordinator drafts the safety and coordination plan. The content is then subject to the attention of the Security Coordinator during execution (CSE), who may require modifications or intervention.

    A copy of the document should be shared with all those involved in the security management of the site.

    Therefore, the drafting is done at the design stage, prior to the request for tenders for the contract. At this point, it can be proceeded with the drafting of the Operational Security Plan or POS of contractors or self-employed companies.

    Employer’s Obligations

    As we have seen, it is not the responsibility of employers to draw up the KPS safety plan. However, this professional figure has other duties:

    • Pos design is mandatory for any company that opens a shipyard
    • take care of cleaning and disinfectioning sites used by workers to switch or take holidays
    • to interfere with cases of employee reports of a poor security situation in the workplace
    • participate in the identification of organizational methods of cooperation and coordination
    • The contractor’s employer must verify that the conditions of job security and the application of the provisions and descriptions have been observed.

    Content of PSC Safety and Coordination Plan

    The minimum content of psc is identified in the legislation on Safety at Work as well as in the documentation and rules established by the labour inspectorate. The indications are indeed numerous, so we recommend, for greater clarity, to read the document directly. Here, for breecy’s sake, we report only the most important content:

    • identification and description of the work
      (site address, description of the context in which the site is located, brief description of the work, with particular reference to design, architectonic, structural and technological choices)

    • the security entities
      (names of project manager, security coordinator during the project phase and, if already appointed, of the security coordinator during the execution phase, of employers of contracting companies and of self-employed workers)

    • report on identification
      , analysis and assessment of concrete risks, referring to the area and organization of the site, their works and interventions;

    • design and organizational choices
      , procedures, preventive and protective measures, referring to the site area, construction organization, works

    • operational prescriptions, preventive and protective measures
      , personal protective equipment, referring to interventions between processes

    • coordination measures
      in relation to common use by certain companies and self-employed workers, such as the choice of planning work targeting security, preparations, equipment, infrastructure, collective defence tools and services

    • organizational methods
      of cooperation and coordination, as well as mutual information

    • organization provided for first aid
      , fire prevention and evacuation of workers, in case emergency management service is of the usual type.

    • phone numbers of facilities
      provided in the area for first aid and fire prevention

    • the expected length of work
      , phases of work and, when required, the complexity of the work, the subphases of the work, which constitute the working hours, as well as the supposed size of the shipyard expressed in man-days

    • Assessment of security costs

    In addition to these topics we have addressed, the PSC also includes project tables containing safety aspects, a lay outline and a brief description of the hydrogeological characteristics of the soil where the work will be constructed.

    What is the replacement security plan?

    Under current legislation, to ensure safety at construction sites even when design coordinator appointment is not provided (so if works are carried out directly by the contractor without subcontractors), the replacement safety plan is drawn up. . The minimum contents, as defined in point 3.1 of Annex XV of the Consolidated Text, is the same as the PSC, therefore the work to be carried out on site, occupational safety measures and approved personal protective equipment, the names of persons involved in occupational safety management, contracting companies, etc.

    What are the security costs?

    We close this article with the definition of security costs. They understand:

    • Preparations foreseen in PSC
    • Preventive measures and personal protective equipment for intrusive processes
    • grounding and protection systems against atmospheric discharge, fire extinguishment, smoke evacuation;
    • Collective defense tools and services
    • Procedures for specific security reasons
    • any interventions aimed at safety and necessary for the spatial or time shift of intrusive processes
    • measures relating to the common use of collective defence preparations, equipment, infrastructure, tools and services.

    Why AQSCERT shpk?

    AQSCERT SHPK, is a conformity assessment organization accredited for the certification of security and health management systems at work ISO 45001 and has a long experience in this field within and outside the territory of our country. The technical staff of AQSCERT is equipped with the licenses and has the technical competence in carrying out audits related to safety and health at work, as well as to assist and create documentation for the safety and health of employees.

  • Operational Security Plan – POS

    What is a POS or Security Operational Plan?

    The POS Operational Safety Plan is a document containing information on safety measures to be adopted at construction sites and production units, to reduce the risk of injury and prevent the development of occupational pathologies. Essentially, P.O.S. is a document that the employer should draft to protect workers at the shipyards.

    When should I do POS?

    POS is always “mandatory in companies operating, even subcontracting, within shipyards, including temporary or mobile ones”. Furthermore, the Operational Security Plan must be drawn up for each country.

    When should I not do POS?

    The design of a POS is not compulsory when the activity to be carried out does not take the form of a temporary or mobile construction site (pursuanced by Article 96 of Legislative Decree 81/2008)

    Specifically, POS is not obligatory for:

    • Self-employed workers as a category that exercises their activity independently without any subordination, as they are not included in the provisions of Article 17, paragraph 1 point a.
    • public companies or in the case of a public contract in the presence of a single company.

    Who should design the Operating Security Plan

    Based on the provisions of Legislative Decree 81/2008, the Operational Security Plan should be drafted by the employer before starting work.

    What should be the minimum pos content

    The Operational Security Plan must contain:

    1. (a) the identification data of the contracting company, which includes:
    • the name of the company’s employer, addresses and telephone numbers of the registered headquarters and its offices;
    • specific activity and individual processes carried out in the field by the contracting company and by self-employed subcontractors;
    • the names of first aid personnel, firefighters and evacuation workers and, in any case, for on-site emergency management, the worker representative for the company or local security, where it is chosen or assigned;
    • name of the competent doctor as appropriate;
    • name of the director of the prevention and protection service – RSPP;
    • the names of the technical director and manager of the shipyard;
    • the number and relevant qualifications of employees of the contracting company and of self-employed workers working in the site on behalf of the same company;
    1. (b) specific security-related tasks performed on the ground by any figure designated for that purpose by the contracting company;
    2. (c) description of field activity, organizational methods and working shifts;
    3. (d) list of scaffolding, bridges of wheeled towers and other provisional works of considerable importance, of the machinery and systems used in the site;
    4. (e) the list of hazardous substances and preparations used in the shipyard with the relevant safety data sheets;
    5. (f) assessing the risks to which the employees of the company are subjected;
    6. (b) the result of the noise assessment report;
    7. (h) identification of preventive and protective measures complementary to those contained in THE CEC where provided, adopted in respect of risks related to field work;
    8. (i) the detailed and complementary procedures required by the KPS (security and coordination plan) when required
    9. (l) organization of the general security of the society in relation to processes, machinery and equipment
    10. (a) the list of personal protective equipment provided to workers employed on the ground;
    11. (n) documentation regarding the information and training provided to field workers.

    Who should sign the POS?

    As for the DVR, the employer must sign it.

    What are the stages of the presentation of pos

    There are 3 stages of presentation and they are distinguished by the subjects involved:

    1. for the client: who must transmit the operational security and coordination plan to all companies invited to submit offers for the performance of the works. Before commencing work, PSCs must be sent to contractors and self-employed workers;
    2. For implementing companies: the employer must submit the operating plan to the contracting company and the Coordinator for the Performance of works (CSE) at least 15 days before the start of the works. The Coordinator of Works must verify the adequacy of the document and, if accepted, take care of the implementation of the provisions of the document;
    3. For subcontractor companies: the employer of the contracting company shall submit the document to the owner of the contracting company at least 30 days before entry to the site. At this point it is the duty of the owner of the subcontractor company to contact the Execution Coordinator.

    What is the Simplified Model POS?

    With the Inter-Ministerial Decree of 9 September 2014, the possibility of using a standardized model for fulfilling the obligation to draft the operational security plan was established.

    POS with a simplified model should be simple, short and understandable, but must fully fulfill its main function

    That’s why it should contain:

    • an indication of key figures and roles for security
    • The story of preventive and protective measures;
    • procedures for implementing these measures;
    • indicator of PPE;

    The possibility of using this model does not depend on the type of company or the type of shipyard, but it is the employer’s option.

    What is the difference between POS and PSC?

    The difference between the Security Operational Plan and the Security and Coordination Plan is this:

    • POS is required for any company that wants to open a work site;
    • THE CAC is required when a single contractor company uses other companies to carry out the works (and, in any case, there are more than 200 workers per working day) or when there are several companies working in the construction site together (both for public and private work).

    However, an important aspect that distinguishes the POS security operational plan from the security and coordination plan should be underlined. The PSC, unlike POS, pays particular attention to risks not directly arising from activities carried out, such as the presence of underground airlines or pipelines or vehicles circulating in the site area. Of course both, however, must contain risk assessment from within.

    Furthermore, if on the one hand POS and PSC, in addition to describing the activity of the site, they should contain risk assessment and preventive and protective measures to improve safety at work.

    Sanctions for not drafting POS

    For not fulfilling or incompetently posing, the employer risks imposing financial penalties and not allowing the activity to be carried out.

    Why AQSCERT shpk?

    AQSCERT SHPK, is a conformity assessment organization accredited for the certification of security and health management systems at work ISO 45001 and has a long experience in this field within and outside the territory of our country. The technical staff of AQSCERT is equipped with the licenses and has the technical competence in carrying out audits related to safety and health at work, as well as to assist and create documentation for the safety and health of employees.

  • DVR, Risk Assessment Documentation.

    DVR, what is it, like edits, and all you need to know?

    DVR or Risk Assessment Document is something very important for a company and all employers should know it well.

    What is a risk assessment document? What are they for? Who prepares the risk assessment? What mistakes should not be made when drafting the document?

    These and many others are the questions the employer often asks us as RSPP outside the company. Our task, therefore, is to make the owner understand how important it is to continue with the implementation of preventive and protective measures for workers so that maximum safety is guaranteed in the company.

    What is the Risk Assessment Document?

    DVR is a document that aims to identify the risks present to workers’ health in relation to the activities they carry out.

    Risk assessment documents, which may be produced in paper or electronic form, are content to estimate the probability that there are risks in the workplace with respect to the activity carried out by the employee and the extent of damage that may be caused to him.

    What is the DVR needed for?

    The Risk Assessment Document is used to analyze, assess and prevent dangerous situations for workers.

    What is the purpose of the Risk Assessment Document?

    The specific purpose of designing the D.V.R. is to minimize the probability of risk to workers in order to limit accidents as much as possible.

    Furthermore, one should not forget the need for the document to be signed by the Employer, the Company Doctor from RSPP and perhaps the Worker Safety Representative (RLS) for gratitude.

    Who draws up the risk assessment document?

    Let’s try to figure out who carries out the risk assessment. First of all, the Employer, who is of course responsible for it and who has the obligation to sign it at the end, with the penalty of the legal invalidity of the same. In addition, it can be performed by qualified experts.

    What features should a DVR have?

    As far as risk assessment is concerned, a good DVR is a document that should contain several characteristics

    Here’s what a specific risk assessment document should contain:

    • describe all risks present in companies related to the performance of activity or work
    • indicate the type of preventive and protective measures that need to be taken to keep the risk to workers under control, or rather to eliminate it
    • It contains a comprehensive report referring to approved criteria for evaluation, risk of risk, so that the document is easily understood by non-experts.
    • For each assessment, he should think of selecting preventive and protective measures adopted to reduce the risk, or more precisely to eliminate it completely, as collective preventive measures and as tools to protect the conditions of the employees.
    • also contain a report that provides a programme of necessary or useful measures over time to provide a certain degree of improvement in relation to the prevention and safety service in the workplace
    • This assessment, in addition to periodically revising, should represent an indication of the performance of the improvement program compared to the initial projections.
    • must contain an assessment of work-related stress
    • Professional risk should be assessed in relation to cases of pregnant workers
    • The risk assessment also contains the full organisational safety scheme, in which the names of emergency team members are determined, as well as the names of each supervisor and security manager.

    Do you need to update the DVR?

    Both the assessment and the relevant document should be updated immediately, in accordance with the procedures set out by law, in the case of:

    • Changes in the production process
    • Significant changes in the organization of work,
    • After significant injuries.
    • When the results of health surveillance indicate the need for it.
    • about the degree of evolution of technique, prevention and protection

    The risk assessment document should be updated within 30 days of the relevant reasons.

    Even if the risk assessment is updated, the employer must in any case provide immediate evidence, through appropriate documentation, for updating preventive measures and immediately communicating with the worker’s safety representative. This documentation may be accessed, upon request, by the worker safety representative.

    Furthermore, some specific estimates have deadlines directly determined by the technical standard to which they refer.

    Where is the DVR kept?

    The Risk Assessment Document (DVR) should be kept in the company, d.m.th in the production unit to which the risk assessment refers and, in accordance with the provisions contained in the legislation, may be held in a computer support (PDF format).

    What is the Standardized Risk Assessment Document (DVRS)?

    The Standardized Risk Assessment Document or DVRS is a DVR that can be drawn up from the basic reference model adopted by the Pune Inspectorate.

    When can I use DVRS?

    This document may be used by all employers of companies that have up to 50 employees, except for the following:

    • the industrial company,
    • installations or installations with workers exposed to chemical hazards,
    • Organic,
    • The atmosphere of explosion,
    • Mutated carcinogens and associated with asbestos exposure.

    What structure does DVRS have?

    The Standardized Risk Assessment Document provides for a structure divided into four phases:

    1. description of society, cycle of work, activities and tasks;
    2. identifying the risks present;
    3. Assessing risks related to identified risks and enforcement measures;
    4. The improvement program.

    Who participates in the drafting of the risk assessment document?

    Various figures are involved in the DVR design:

    • except the competent doctor, who deals with what is to do with health surveillance,
    • There are also individuals such as the Chief of the Rspp Prevention and Protection service
    • RLS
    • Business owner or employer.

    Mistakes not to be made in the design of the DVR

    Below are some errors in the drafting of the document that occur frequently.

    1. Document non-signing: very often there are documents that do not bear the signature of the person who has drafted the document, i.e. the employer.
    2. Incompleteness and noncompatiance: DVRs are sometimes incomplete and/or even inconsistent.
    3. Failure to periodically update DVR: DVR is a tool that must be adequate and up to date, in relation to changes that have occurred at the company or that are potentially capable of determining new and different exposures to worker risk (see coronavirus risk update).
    4. Failing to update “known” risks and “virtually verifiable cases”.
    5. Not considering previous events that have occurred at the company.
    6. Not identifying the DVR of procedures for implementing measures to be implemented and the roles of the organization

    Why AQSCERT shpk?

    AQSCERT SHPK, is a conformity assessment organization accredited for the certification of security and health management systems at work ISO 45001 and has a long experience in this field within and outside the territory of our country. The technical staff of AQSCERT is equipped with the licenses and has the technical competence in carrying out audits related to safety and health at work, as well as to assist and create documentation for the safety and health of employees.

  • CE Brands

    What is CE certification?

    CE means Conformité Européenne, translated from French to “European conformity”. The CE mark is an EU safety directive, which shows that a product has passed certain tests and can be legally sold anywhere within the European Union and the European Economic Area.

    While some products may be ce-marked by the manufacturer itself, other products should be tested by a company that provides CE marking services.

    Why is the CE mark important?

    The CE mark ensures that your product can enter the European Union market and allows it to move freely in almost 30 countries that make up the European Economic Area, giving you direct access to over 500 million consumers. If a product does not have the CE mark that it has to carry normally, the manufacturer or distributor may face fines and risk a costly withdrawal of the product from the market, which is why compliance is a core requirement.

    CE Marking Services for Your Product

    We are able to assist in CE certification for all kinds of products, from equipment, construction products to machinery and much more.

    Join AQSCERT to access:

    • Complete knowledge of all the required tests and laboratories for their performance.
    • Extensive experience in relation to CE marking and modification of EU legislation.
    • Ability to quickly test products and follow you through CE certification and technical documents.
  • Certification of construction products

    CE brand of construction products

    Why do I need the CE mark?

    The added value of the CE brand is that all countries should allow the sale of construction products that bear the CE mark.  This means public authorities cannot request any further signs or certificates. This way you or your product distributors can trade it in any country of the European internal market, always presenting the same documentation. Along with the performance statement, the label allows your customers and end-users to verify product performance and compare it to other products based on the same technical approach.

    When is CE marking mandatory for my product?

    CE marking  is mandatory for most construction products in order to be able to sell them on the european domestic market. For others it is not mandatory but it is possible by following certain rules:

    ESO (1 )

    Riferimento e titolo della norma armonizzata (e documento di riferimento)

    Riferimento alla norma sostituita

    Data di entrata di vigore della norma in quanto norma armonizzata

    Data di scadenza del periodo di coesistenza Nota 4


    EN 295-1:2013 Sistemi di tubazioni di gres per impianti di raccolta e e enametimento di acque reflue ‐ Parte 1: Requisiti per tubi, elementi complementari e sistemi di giunzione

    EN 295-10:2005



    The list may contain two types of references: new harmonized standards and revised standards. For the new standards, the “substituted standard reference” article is blank.  If your product falls within the scoes of one of these EC standards, the marking is voluntary during the coexulation period and mandatory after the expiration of this period. Therefore, you should check if your product falls within the scope of the available standards to verify if it is covered by them.

    Products included in the standard (first chapter of the standards) must have CE marking according to the dates shown in the table. When the “substituted standard reference” marking is not empty, CE marking of products covered by the harmonized standards continues to be mandatory. During the coexite period you can choose which version to use, the replacement or the new version, but after the coexite period has expired you can only use the revised version. This system allows you to adjust — usually within a year — to any changes in your product evaluation and/or performance statement. Information regarding CE marking is provided in the ZA annex to the standard.

    Non-binding CE marking (EOTA route)

    If the product you are intent on selling is not covered by any harmonized standards, you may voluntarily place ce marking on your product. First you should check if it is covered by one of the current European Assessment Documents (EADs). You can consult the list on the European Commission website in a space called NANDOIV (New Access Notified and Defined Organizations). There is a specific page that contains the list of documents for the European Assessment. You may also view the content of the document, including its purpose, in the publications section of EOTAVI’s website. If your product falls into the throes of one of these documents, you can ask a Technical Evaluation Body (TAB) listed on the official TABVII register to evaluate your product for CE marking. If your product and its  uses are not included in the subject of any European Assessment Document, you may ask a Technical Evaluation Body to draft a European Assessment Document. This process usually takes longer than if an EAD is already available for your product. The EOTA process is divided into two phases similar to those for the CEN process:

    ■ Drafting documentation for European evaluation

    Evaluation  by a technical evaluation body

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